Putting an End to the Word-Hunting Society
Are you able to speak your true feelings honestly?
Or are you just hiding behind "tatemae" (superficial statements)?
In today’s world, no matter what you say, it risks being criticized or causing controversy.
Using words that are deemed "inappropriate" can lead to character assassination, creating a kind of "digital
tattoo" that permanently marks you in
our mutually surveilled society.
Under the guise of promoting diversity, restrictions are piling up, forcing a kind of uniformity in thought
and expression.
If this continues, movies, anime, and novels will avoid addressing societal critiques out of fear, leaving us
with bland, colorless, and
indistinguishable works.
Politicians, corporations, and academic institutions will shy away from tackling significant but controversial
issues, stifling social progress.
At its root lies a distortion of the liberal ideal: "Everyone is different, and that’s okay." This
well-intentioned idea has inadvertently permitted
the rise of "justice without logic."
Such "justice without logic" leads to emotional arguments rather than constructive discussions, accelerating
the fragmentation of humanity.
"Justice without logic" is the profound sickness that humanity must overcome. It is the true enemy we must confront and defeat.
Restoring Humanity's Enthusiasm
At HumanHacker, we aim to shatter a society exhausted by "word hunting" and peer pressure, reclaiming a world
full of passion and freedom—because
we’ve had enough of a rigid and boring world.
We are accelerating the understanding and sharing of your thoughts at full speed, creating a system where
"unleashing instincts = contributing to
We’ll tackle your "weariness with society," "stagnation in life," and the subtle sense of discomfort you feel
at unexpected moments. To put it
bluntly, our mission is to obliterate the lethargy of a long-living society where you might think, "I’d rather
die than go to work on Monday, even
though I have no desire to do anything special on the weekend."
Blasting away this suffocating apathy is the core mission of HumanHacker.
Building a Platform for Personality and Ideology Sharing
What we are creating is not another social network where people argue using words but a new space where the
true meaning of words, as well as the
background and intent of each individual, can be shared.
It’s a space where you can confidently embrace your values and, at the same time, grow by engaging deeply with
the perspectives of others.
With the help of AI, we’ll visualize the unique features of your thoughts and values. But this isn’t just cold
data analysis—it’s about preserving
and celebrating what makes you, you.
The "self" that emerges through this process will surely be more compelling and profound than ever before.